About me
Reineke Kins | coach
How do people deal with their vulnarabilities and their strengths? Do they differ between their personal and professional life? These are some of the questions I have and I use them in my work.
I am an inquisitive person and I like to ask questions to find out what it is really about. I look for the essence of things. People describe me often as easy going, disarming and always finding perspective.
From 2005 I have been counselling and coaching teams from the University Hospital (UMCG) and I train them in areas like communication, collaboration, coaching leadership, assertiveness, presentation skills and motivational interviewing.
ContactAbout me
After finishing my education as a nurse, I took an important step to International Public Health.
I gained more in-depth knowledge of health problems and programmes in developing countries. There I found out that I enjoy teaching and training people and counselling them.
I followed a course training/ coaching in communicative skills and I specialised in team coaching. Then I did courses and trainings in Rational Emotive Training and Voice Dialogue. I did my training to become a Facilitator Voice Dialogue with Judith Budde, René Meijer and Karin Brugman of the institute Het Balkon. To deepen my knowledge I study with Marijke Leys in Belgium.